らしい英語のフレーズ10選- BELS Malta

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1. Spring into Action


‘The lifeguard sprang into action when he noticed the child drowning.’ (ライフガードは子供が溺れているのに気づいて行動を開始した)
‘Predators watch their prey silently spring into action in a moment’s notice.’ (‘捕食者は獲物を黙って見ていて、一瞬のうちに行動を起こす’)

2. No spring chicken

私たちが誰かを「春の鶏」と言うときは、その季節が意味するように、若々しく、エネルギーに満ち溢れていることを意味します。一方、’no ‘spring chicken’と言えば、もう若くはないことを強調します。また、年をとっていても能力があることを示す場合にも使われます。

‘Ryan’s no spring chicken but he can still run as fast as people half his age’. (ライアンは若鶏ではないが、彼の年齢の半分の人と同じ速さで走ることができる)
‘He looks pretty good considering he’s no spring chicken’.(彼は春の鶏でないことを考えると、かなり良さそうだ)

3. A spring in someone’s step


‘We could tell she got hired for the new job because she walked out of the office with in spring in her step’.(彼女が新しい仕事に採用されたことが分かったのは、彼女がウキウキしてオフィスから出て行ったからだ)
‘He had a spring in his step after he won the lottery!’ (宝くじが当たってバネのようにウキウキになったらしい!)

4. To spring to mind


‘When someone speaks of Italy, good wine and exquisite food springs to mind’. (誰かがイタリアについて話すと、おいしいワインと絶品料理が頭に浮かぶ)
‘Say the word ‘Paris’ and visions of the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe spring to mind’. (パリと言えば、エッフェル塔や凱旋門が思い浮かぶ)。

5. To spring to life


‘The town is quiet in the morning, but it suddenly springs to life around nine o’clock when the shops open.’ (朝は静かな町だが、店が開く9時ごろになると急に活気が出てくる。)
‘The clubbing scene springs to life after 10 o’clock’. (クラブは10時過ぎに活気づく)

6. To spring out of something


‘She wakes up in a great mood, springs out of bed every morning!’ (彼女は毎朝機嫌よく目覚め、ベッドから飛び出す!)
‘A grasshopper sprang out at me when I was watering the plants.’ (植木に水をやっていたら、バッタが飛び出してきた)

7. To spring something on someone


‘A good leader keeps employees informed of decisions along the way and doesn’t just spring it on them suddenly’. (良いリーダーは、社員に途中の決定事項を知らせ続け、突然それを言い出すことはしない)

8. To be full of the joys of spring


“How are you so full of the joys of spring at 6am on a Monday morning!” “月曜日の朝6時に、どうしてそんなに春の喜びに満ち溢れているんだ!”

9. Spring cleaning


10. Spring fever



  1. As soon as the boss came in the door, everyone ______________.
  2. I don’t know how old Mike is, but obviously he is ______________.”
  3. He’s had a __________ since he met Joanna.
  4. Say the word “Australia” and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately ____________.
  5. After about eight o’clock the city _______________.
  6. The cat ________ of the closet when I opened the door.
  7. I hope he’s not going to _________ any crazy ideas  _____ us at the meeting this morning.
  8. He bounced into the office, full of _______________.
  9. I gave the kitchen a ____________ at the weekend.
  10. ‘A few kids had ___________ and thought was a good reason to skip finals, but I went to school every single day.’


  1. sprung into action.
  2. no spring chicken.
  3. spring in his step.
  4. spring to mind.
  5. springs to life.
  6. sprang out.
  7. spring, onto.
  8. the joys of spring.
  9. spring clean.
  10. spring fever.



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