マルタとゴゾの宿泊施設 - BELS Malta

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Students having dinner at the host family in Malta



Travel tips to learn English in Malta from my experience

A Guide to Planning a trip to learn English in Malta

Being an English-speaking country has also placed Malta as the ultimate destination to learn English. There are a variety of schools for all ages, which are open all year round. Over the years, English schools in Malta and Gozo have gained a reputation for the quality of education they provide. So what do you need to do to plan a trip here? We’ve compiled a guide to help you plan your trip to learn English in Malta.


travel tips and tourist information for Malta

Tourist Information Malta: Essential Travel Tips

Anyone traveling to Malta will require some basic tourist information about the Maltese islands, the people, and how things work. This is even more important for English students who will be in Malta for longer periods. Some of the most important tourist information – to help you adapt to the local lifestyle – is not necessarily available at a tourist office; however, it will help you relax and enjoy your new environment more fully once the practicalities of accommodation and transport have been sorted out.

Students during general English standard courses



Some of our students at their host family in Malta



Studenti esplorano Malta mentre studiano in una scuola di lingua inglese

